Monday, June 11, 2007

Corporate Identity = Embroidery

Embroidery is often unknown to the general public. Many people simply don't think about it at all. Yet everyday they see examples everywhere they go. Embroidery is becoming one of the most popular forms of corporate identity around today. Any company that wants to get the company logo, trademark or motto in front of their customers looks towards embroidering.

Embroidery has always been a status symbol for the elite our societies. Earlier in its history embroidery was all made by hand sewing. This was and is a very tedious task and art form. Due to these facts it has always been reserved for the well to do in our society. Within the past two hundred years we have seen a revolution in the embroidery industry. The invention of the embroidery machines have brought mass production to the embroidery scene. Now almost anyone can own and operate an embroidery machine. Thus making the prices for embroidery go way down and the demand go way up.

In the corporate business world perception is king. If people perceive your business to be something, then your business will become just that. This is where your company identity comes into play. If you are just starting out with a new company these questions might arise:

* Where will I generate business?
* How will I get my company name out to the public?
* How will I convince my customers to take a chance on a smaller company such as us?

Once again this is where your business identity comes into play. All of these problems can be solved with an aggressive advertising plan and a solid corporate identity. But who really wants all the coffee cups, pens and all that jazz? You are a professional business, not a high school football team. Nothing is better then a nice dress shirt or polo with a tone on tone logo. Or just a subtle logo, no need to go over the top here. Leave the flash and flare to the amateurs. You are a professional, embroidery is the only way to go.

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